Sunday 16 June 2013

Mini Anti-Cellulite Workout: 4 Exercises for Cellulite Reduction

This condensed anti-cellulite workout can be one as a stand alone routine.You can even go through it more than once as it gets easier. Do it 3 times per week with a day off in between. That is STEP 1. …And then…

If you combine this short Anti-Cellulite sequence with the Exercises for Cellulite which Belinda demonstrated on video here (that would be STEP 2) then you have a perfect introduction to targeting your toughest trouble spots and problem areas.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BUT, before you do these moves – BE SURE TO GET YOUR DOCTOR’S CLEARANCE. … Better to be safe than sorry.  

 1 – Double Leg, Hamstring Curls for Cellulite on Back of Thighs and Butt
  Lying down on a mat or soft surface, facing up – place your heels and calves on top of an exercise ball (55cm or 65cm is ideal). Arms on the ground at your sides. Lift your hips off the ground by pushing your heels and calves into the ball. That is your starting position. Then curl your heels in toward your hamstrings, while pushing your hips toward the sky. Stop when the bottom of your feet are on top of the ball. Then slowly return the the starting position.

2 – Double Leg, Knee-Ups for Cellulite on Front of Thighs and Legs
  Get onto your hands and knees – on an exercise mat or soft surface. Bring your toes forward. Then slowly lift your knees off the ground and get your glutes up toward the sky – so your legs are almost fully straightened. Then slowly return to the start position – lightly touching your knees to the ground.

3 – Double Sided Hip-Extensions for Cellulite on Back of Thighs, Calves and Butt
  Lying down face-up now. Bend your knees and point your toes upward – so your heels are the only part of your feet touching the floor or mat. Push your heels into the ground and lift your hips toward the sky. Give a slight pause at the top. Then slowly lower your hips to touch the mat. Breath out on the way up (as you exert) and breath in on the way down (as you relax).

4 – Exercise Ball Squats for Cellulite on Butt, Hips, Thighs, Legs and Calves
  Place an exercise ball (size 55cm – 65cm) against a wall and then lean against it with your lower back area. With your feet shoulder width apart – slowly squat down as the ball rolls up toward your upper back/shoulder blade area. Pause for a second or two – then slowly return to the top position, keeping a slight bend in the knees at the top. Breath in going down – breath out going up. Remember: DO NOT lock out your knees at the top of the movement.

If going through this short anti-cellulite workout routine is too easy – try it a second time. You can also add 5 or 10 repetitions to each set for a longer exercise sessions and a more intense muscle layer stimulus.
 As always – I remind you to get your doctor’s medical clearance for exercise before starting from scratch – or if you are unsure about your own physical ability.
Click here to Grab free resource!

True Way to Get Rid of Cellulite: Skin-Level Muscle Toning

Remove Cellulite Now!
One of the most confusing aspects of cellulite is why it can be found in some young women, and not others – and how some women get it as they age – and some never get it at all.

When I say ‘confusing’ – I don’t mean confusing to me – I mean ‘confusing’ to women, in general…

This puzzling aspect of cellulite is one of the top reasons so many ‘cellulite treatment’ products can be marketed so cleverly to the intended market: – women of all ages who struggle with cellulite.

My goal for this article is to give you a clear understanding of what causes the dimpled look of skin (what is commonly referred to as cellulite) – in women of all ages.

Let start with the younger woman. It’s not uncommon for teens to have cellulite. Though less prevalent in this age group – there are females who are not overweight – have a great shape to their body – but have the bumpy, dimpled texture of skin – in the butt and thigh region.

‘Genetics’… My A$%!…

All too often this is labeled as being caused by “genetics” – as in ‘being handed down from the mother or grandmother’…

Most of the time this is only partially correct. And here’s why…

It’s not the appearance of the skin that’s been passed down genetically – but rather, its the natural level of muscle tone (I’m not talking about muscle bulk) – or lack of muscle tone in this case – that leaves a very soft and ‘mushy’ base for the skin to rest on.

Since the muscle structure directly beneath the ‘cellulite’ skin area has a tendency to be more atrophied in some women (this can be tied to genetics) – the out layer of skin simply has no choice but to ‘pucker’ and dimple – instead of laying smoothly tightened around well-toned, firmly lifted muscles.

The good news is that with the RIGHT exercises (anti cellulite exercises) – a young woman can get her muscles to respond. And by stimulating these muscle layers directly – atrophy is reversed and a natural toning, shaping and lifting effect occurs – resulting in a structural smoothing of each layer of the ‘dermis’ – which ultimately shows as a ‘leveling’ effect on the outermost layer of the skin – the one you see when you look in the mirror.

I’ll talk more about specific exercise principles and ‘cellulite exercise’ misunderstandings in future issues – but for now, it’s time to address the issue of ‘old’ cellulite – more often associated with the ‘mature’ age group – 40′s, 50′s, 60′s, etc…

To keep this article focused – I’m going to address the type of woman who was never really overweight – maintains a nice figure – and is quite happy with how she looks when fully dressed.

It’s not uncommon for this type of woman to have great looking skin, with no signs of cellulite – only to start developing it as she approaches and goes through middle age… And this can happen with no change in weight. (and it can even happen if weight is lost – which is another topic I’ll address in a future issue…)

“How does this happen?

Where do these lumps, bumps and ripples come from?

What’s happening to my body?!!”

Not to fret…

The answer is easy. The reason is simple. And the remedy is basic physiology in action.

Around middle age is when the aging process starts to become evident and physiological changes result in ‘symptoms’ of physical decline…

One of the most common is muscular atrophy (your muscles get smaller, softer, flatter and weaker).

So, we can watch a young woman go through her teens, early adulthood maybe through a pregnancy or 2 – without so much as a spot of cellulite. For her – having tightly smoothed – great looking skin is something she is used to… But…

Middle-age then rolls around – and without the right type of exercise routine – the muscle layers in all the female trouble spot zones begin to atrophy. They get flatter, they become ‘limp’ – and hey slowly get weaker.

This allows the skin that covers those muscle areas to get saggy, soft and dimply. The un-toned state of the underlying muscle layers – basically leaves the skin ‘hanging’ and without a firm base, the uneven texture is a natural side effect that is commonly know as cellulite.

So, what this ultimately shows us is that – the appearance of cellulite in a 17 year old as compared to a 72 year old is caused by the exact same thing: soft, undeveloped, flat, and limp muscle layers directly beneath the cellulite areas.

The bogus marketing ploys that we see, hear and read about in all of the media is simply geared toward forcing you to believe why some passive method or some superficial treatment is going to get rid of your cellulite. Even the gimmick of ‘internal flushing of built-up toxins’ tries to make you think that such a thing can happen to your body and that’s why you have cellulite… BUT…

You are smarter than that… and…

You Are Smarter Than ‘Them’ Now

So, with the cause of cellulite being directly tied to the condition of the muscle layers – you can be sure that the only proven way to reverse it is through a targeted and focused exercise routine. An anti-cellulite exercise routine that stimulates muscle toning, firming and lifting – naturally resulting in the beautiful smoothing and tightening effect on the outer layer of your skin – ultimately, getting rid of cellulite.

This basic physiological response has no age exclusions. The stimulus/response action of a muscle is the same no matter how old you are or how young you are.

The only thing you need to be sure of is that you are following a program specifically designed as a proven anti cellulite exercise routine, such as NAKED BEAUTY.

An Anti-Cellulite Diet?

At least once a day we get an email question asking “Is there such thing as an Anti-Cellulite Diet?”

The truth answer is “Yes.” But it’s not really a “diet”… It’s more like a nutrient dense, high quality way of eating (NOT for weight loss). HOWEVER – this way of eating is only most effective when it is added to a cellulite-specific exercise method…

So, unless you are providing the right stimulation to the muscle layers of your trouble spots and problem areas – then the “anti-cellulite diet” isn’t going to do much for you (Although it is very good for long term health, energy and hormone regulation). Click Here For More Info!

 Your trainer,

- Joey Atlas
Womens’ Body Enhancement Specialist

Saturday 1 December 2012

Healthy Heart Guide - Steps To Prevent The Heart From Diseases

Prevent The Heart From Diseases
The heart pumps blood at rate of 1.3 gallons (5 liters) per minute and 2,000 gallons (7,571 liters) per day non-stop and more when you exercise. To fuel its tireless cell, heart-healthy diet and precautions need to be considered. According to heart health researchers, heart related diseases increase with age and men are affected more often than women. Unhealthy or bad fat and cholesterol, high sodium and triglyceride in the blood stream, high blood pressure, smoking, and alcohol are believed to put the heart at risk of diseases. So, making healthy lifestyle choices such as; eating a healthy diet, visiting health or medical experts and including physical activities in your daily routine will help a lot.

Here are what to do, foods and nutrients to take to prevent the heart from diseases;

TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH DIET - How much you eat is just as important as what you eat. Overloading your plate, taking seconds and eating until you feel stuffed can lead to eating more calories, triglycerides, fats and cholesterol, which may put the heart at risk of diseases. Get this...

- Are deposited in the walls of the blood vessels, gradually the fatty deposits grow larger, naturally the blood vessels become narrower and narrower, which may result to hardening of the arteries (coronary artery diseases, chest pain or angina).But, if blood clot forms in one of the vessels supplying the heart with blood, it leads to heart attack. TRIGLYCERIDES- Are fat like substances found in the blood. An higher triglyceride level in the blood stream is believed to put the heart at risk of disease, having high triglyceride are often accompanied by low levels of HDL(High-Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol, the type that is good for the heart. And...

HIGH SODIUM - So, reducing sodium in take which give to high blood pressure. Is a good idea to prevent the heart.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - The one risk factor for strokes is also a culprit in heart attack or other cardiovascular disease. So, should be checked.

LIMIT AND CHECK UP - Checking up your blood pressure, triglyceride, fat and cholesterol and also limiting how much of these fats you take in, are important steps to prevent the heart from diseases.

According to nutritionist, when it comes to having a healthy heart or preventing the heart from diseases FOOD is the best medicine. Here are the food and nutrient to help prevent the heart from disease;

TAKE SELENIUM- Garlic is ranked among the best source of the mineral selenium. Which is one of the nutrients that cancer researchers have cited for its impressive antioxidant properties. The sodium free oil in garlic and other foods like onion, lentils, soybeans, wheat, barley, shrimps, tuna, cod, button mushroom, halibut, salmon, sardines, mustard seed, brazil nuts, lamb, turkey, beef, high-selenium yeast.etc is an active ingredient. It help reduce the bad cholesterol in the blood and increase the level of the good cholesterol and it also enhance the process by which our bodies break up potentially dangerous blood clots - making the blood less sticky which help prevent strokes and heart attacks.

GO FOR LOW FAT MILK-Though, whole milk is high in calcium but is just to in fat. Replacing whole milk and diary product made from whole milk with skimmed varieties-such as low fat cheese, non fat yogurt, ice milk, skim milk will help give a better and normal blood pressure, bone health and better resistance to cancer. So avoid taking access fat, low-fat milk is the best, it has the same amount of calcium that whole milk does.

TAKE HIGH FIBER DIET & WHOLE GRAINS - According to researchers, High fiber diet helps to bring down insulin requirements, prevent cancer, lower blood cholesterol and for weight loss too, taking food rich in fiber modulate the immune system which helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Food such as;

BRAN - Are high in soluble fiber, low in fat and sodium and its gremlin free. Its the simple and less expensive way to lower cholesterol than drugs.(Raw Oat bran wheat bran corn bran rice bran)are good.

DRY BEANS COOKED - Are known to be very cheap but a great diet because its naturally a rich source of protein, lysine, vitamins and mineral, as well as the soluble fiber which help the heart, be it red, white, brown, yellow, black, navy beans or pinto, Lima, French, adzuki, broad, Mung or kidney beans are good.

WHOLE GRAINS - Are good sources of fiber and other nutrients that play a role in regulating blood pressure and heart health. Substituting whole grain food (such as millet, barley, brown rice, bulgur, quinoa, wild rice.etc.) for refined grain products, will help a lot.

EAT MORE VEGETABLE AND FRUIT - Fruits and vegetables are known to be good source vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, as well as soluble fiber which have an impressive ability to lower blood cholesterol level. They are good for the heart, they have almost no saturated fat, cholesterol or sodium, you need fairly large amount of fruit and vegetable to prevent the heart from diseases.

USE VEGETABLE OILS - Using margarine, liquid vegetable oil (soy, safflower) are good in lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, though they are rich in calories, so use them sparingly.

- Researchers have it that omega-3 fatty acid even outrank vegetable oil and it's been linked to better the heart. Omega-3 fatty acid in fish or walnuts makes the blood less prone to the abnormal clotting process that can lead to heart attack, keeps blood pressure in good and healthy range and helps to lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides. Increasing your omega-3 intake, will help the heart a lot.

- Carnitine is a nutrient found in red meat, mutton, lamb, chicken and turkey, (you can find lesser extent in milk and dairy product), carnitine plays a major role when it comes to having a healthy heart. It's so important to the heart for promoting the energy and health of heart cells, raises HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol, lowers high triglycerides and blood pressure.

GET EXERCISE - Adding a moderate exercise, that is not too stressful to your daily routine is good for the heart. Daily exercise for at least 30 - 60 minutes to the point of rejuvenation will help you burn calories, boosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL) " the good cholesterol" and decreases unhealthy triglycerides and deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently and much more that will better your body and heart.

QUIT SMOKING - Smoking decreases HDL (good) cholesterol that the heart needs to stay healthy, cause Atherosclerosis (the buildup of fatty substances in the arteries),which can damage the heart or can lead to coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. To prevent and control the heart from diseases, quit smoking and avoid staying close to smokers when they smoke.

HEAVY ALCOHOL INTAKE - according to researchers, Alcohol helps to prevent the heart from diseases but heavy alcohol consumption is linked, to weak the heart muscles (cardiomyopathy), increased the risk of thrombosis (blood clotting) and cardiovascular disorders such as high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases that do affect the heart or blood vessels - arteries, capillaries and veins. Drinking relatively small amounts of alcohol (one or two drinks a few times a week) or not taking at all is good for the heart.

VISIT HEALTH EXPERT - For more advice, help, tips, idea and guide on how to prevent the heart from disease, visit professional health expert.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Get Into Shape With These Fitness Tips

By Wendy Moyer

    Not only can working out be a challenge, when you work out and you don't see any results it can be frustrating as well. But you've got to realize that if this is happening to you that you should not give up yet. There are a lot of ways that you can make exercising more efficient, a lot easier, and a lot more fun.
Read this article and you will find some neat tips that will show you how to get the most out of your workouts.
You actually may be getting more benefits out of your workout than you realize. If you haven't been doing this already, at least once every four weeks you should measure your body fat, waist size, arms and thighs, or some other variables. If you continue to work out regularly and compare your stats from one month to the next you will be sure to see results.
And these results should be even more motivation for you to continue exercising.
One of the best and most enjoyable exercises actually puts the least amount of stress on your joints. And that's swimming. If you're vacationing by a lake, instead of boating out to the water trampoline why not swim there instead? It's worth the effort.
As far as land exercises are concerned, you should consider playing soccer. Soccer's a wonderful aerobic activity because when you play you will be moving constantly in different directions. In addition, if you get into playing soccer you'll make contacts with a lot of other people, just like you would when you get involved with any other sport.
But keep in mind that some soccer players take their game really seriously. And if they do they could become excessively physical while trying to keep control of the ball.
The time that you schedule your exercises for also can affect how successful you'll be. People seem to have more success realizing their fitness objectives when they workout at the beginning of the day rather than at the end of the day.
When you work out in the morning you will also be better prepared for the day ahead. And you won't have any excuses like you might in the evening if you feel tired or just don't want to go to the gym.
Even though staying in shape seems to be a lot of work at times, it is well worth the effort. If you take advantage of what you've learned in this article you'll find that you will get more out of the time that you spend working out.
Just continue your quest to get into better shape. At some point you will break through and you'll see the results that you've been longing for.
If you don't have a water trampoline and would like to get one you can find some great deals online.
 To find a wide selection of  HEALTH & FITNESS AND TO GET  HELP CLICK HERE NOW!